Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Co-Sleeping Responses

I'm going to post all the responses I received on Facebook about the recent post about co-sleeping.  This way we can have it here as a reference for anyone who is wondering about it!

MM: I slept    MM: I co-slept with all my babies and loved every minute of it. Makes nursing very easy and baby sleeps better too. Eventually they move into their own beds ( and out of the house), so enjoy it while you can.
17 hours ago · Unlike · 1


LM: Into their own beds and out of the house at about the same time. (actually just to age 10 or 12.)
17 hours ago · Unlike · 1


DD: I am a very light sleeper, so it did not work for me.
16 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 2

JDS: With B we coslept for. Several months - and he developed the need to be cuddled to stay asleep. At 9 mos he was still waking up at least once an hour to make sure mommy was nearby. With Br we moved him into his own crib very quickly (he slept in his car seat for the first month or so). He still wakes up about 3 times a night, but it's to eat not to snuggle (he is almost 7 mos).
16 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 1

CP: J and I had K sleep in our bed till she was about 4-5 months because nursing every hour to hours sleep habits, it made it so much restful for all of us. Since neither of us are rollers/smokers and so forth it was never a problem. I was going back to work though and K had her own crib and room, so at first we moved her crib into our room. I would nurse her and burp her and rock her to sleep and then place her in her crib that we had placed next to our bed. When we were ready we put the crib in K's room and left both doors open and every noise J or I were getting up to peek in on her, lol That was probably the hardest. Now her being Two shes always slept through the night and in her room since that transition. There are times when shes sick or whatnot that Kylie from time to time will sleep in our bed. Its usually harder for her to get to sleep that way sometimes tho because she wants to play or poke me in the face and tell me where my nose and eyes are 20 times but it give me that sense of "Mommy I Still Need You" with her growing so fast and being so independent now. I think it all depends on a case by case and what you and baby are comfortable with, it will just become routine. Hope this helps! 
16 hours ago · Unlike · 1

KH: My oldest slept with us until 5 months and then we moved her into a crib in her own room and trained her to sleep through the night. My second slept with us a little longer until about 8 months. The only reason she was longer was because medical reasons. We then moved her into a playpen sharing a room with her sister. They both now sleep through the night and it is wonderful. I could never get a good nights rest having babies sleep with me. In my opinion it is way better for the baby and the parents to sleep separately once they are old enough to sleep through the night of course 
15 hours ago · Unlike · 1


BC: L slept with us after the last feeding of the night every night until she stopped breastfeeding. When the breastfeeding stopped, so did the cosleeping.
14 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 1


SAS: The boys have always slept in their own cribs in the room next to us--we had no room for them in our bed even if I wanted them there! I was way too worried about their safety to even try nursing them in bed. I was afraid I'd fall asleep with them. Not to mention, I have no idea how you'd manage alone time with your spouse...if you know what I mean.. but I know people figure it out!
13 hours ago · Unlike · 3


AOS: I don't co-sleep. With both our boys we had them sleep in a craddle in our room for a few months and then moved them to their own room. Co-sleeping makes me nervous with suffocating them by accident. I know that their are products to help with that, but I also don't want them to become dependent on co-sleeping to sleep well. I know people that had a really hard time getting their kids to sleep in their own beds after co-sleeping, but I also know people who had no problems at all. So it is a personal choice. I also like the fact that we put the kids to bed in their own rooms and I have a space for me and the hubby. I personally like having them in their own room, we move them by 2 months because I am ready for my own space. Anyways, sorry I made this a novel. It is a really personal choice, but I personally like not co-sleeping. It has worked for us.
11 hours ago · Unlike · 2


JHP: Not knocking it, but I personally was not a fan of co sleeping. When A was first born L had the night shift and was working a lot, so it was just me and her at home during bed time. Still, if I ever co slept with her it was only out of complete exhaustion and during breastfeeding. It probably happened about three times, but for me personally I liked the peace of mind that I would never be so tired I would roll on her, or the blankets etc would suffocate her while she was in bed with me. I slept better to because I wasn't waking up as stressed out to check her whatever. I also liked having my own space and not feeling like if I needed to change positions or go to the bathroom that she would wake up. I also loved/hated that bc I had to physically get up to help her I felt alert enough to meet her needs. But at least everything I've been told by my health care professionals has told me no co sleeping; that you can underestimate how tired you can be and how alert you are or are not in these circumstances, so you can never be to safe. I like to err on the side of caution in my personal situation. And now A knows that her crib is where she sleeps at bed time, and she's fine with it. But again-this is all just my experience.
10 hours ago · Unlike · 1

                     HHD (ME):  wow thanks everybody!! this was such a great response and im glad to hear the different perspectives! how do you guys feel about the safety issue of baby being in the other room, like O mentioned in this post? that's something im struggling with...worrying about her being too far away. we have a lower level apt and the windows are at ground level on the outside. so i just worrying about things like spiders and weirdos outside and such. also A used to start throwing up in her sleep and it makes me nervous to think that i might not hear it. we have a baby monitor but im still wary of having her too far. plus i miss her. any thoughts?
9 hours ago · Like

                    EMG: Well being a seasoned mom of 5 I would say go for it if you want (sometimes it's a lifesaver when you're breastfeeding every few hours) but stop at about 2 to 3 months or they'll always want or need you in the night and it will break your heart to send them back to their own bed in tears. Best to do it while they're infants.
8 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1


EMG: B currently sleeps in our bedroom in a portacrib. About 5 or 6 she'll come into our bed for some morning cuddles. Win-win!
8 hours ago via mobile · Like

                    AO:  There are a lot of really great moniters, they can get pricey, but you can't get ones that have cameras and stuff. My kids didn't have the throwing up problem. H had it one when he had the stomach flu and i slept on his floor so i could be near, but that was for a few nights, im sure sleeping on the for every night would not be fun. If your are concerned about being far away you could have bassinet in your room. That way she is close, but not in your bed. Like i said before, we move them out of our pretty fast, but check on them often. We check on them a few times while we are still up and then whoever is last to bed does another check. And then i am up every few hours to feed T so i peek in on H.
about an hour ago via mobile · Like

                     KHG: O slept in our room for the first year if our marriage in a bassinet. On the occasional night she did sleep outside of our room, I was a little worried about her, but I got over it quickly. It was really nice when J and I got our own room back. The nights when O got sick, we just checked on her more often or slept out on the couch with her.
about an hour ago via mobile · Like


BC: L started sleeping in her own room sometime between 4 and 6 weeks. We did that because every single slight sound she made woke me up. She actually slept for longer stretches in her own room, probably since I didn't freak out with every noise. However, having her in her own room did make night time feedings more of a pain. Really the only reason we even coslept after the last feeding was because it was usually about an hour before I was going to get up and I was too lazy to get up twice.
10 minutes ago via mobile · Like


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